W.H. Gispen 'Duikelaar', art deco table lamp
W.H. Gispen 'Duikelaar', art deco table lamp
¥81,700 JPY
¥81,700 JPY
WH Gispen によるアールデコ調のテーブルランプ「Duikelaar」は、1928 年に Koninklijke Metaalwarenfabriek Daalderop のために製作されました。このランプは真鍮製で、美しい緑青が見られます。ベースはリングのさまざまな位置に配置できます。写真でわかるように、ベースには小さいですが目立たないへこみがあります。
Original Text
Art Deco table lamp by W.H. Gispen called 'Duikelaar' from 1928 for the Koninklijke Metaalwarenfabriek Daalderop.
The lamp is made of brass and has a beautiful patina. The base can be placed on the ring in different positions.
As can be seen in the photo, there is a small but not too noticeable dent in the base.
Original Text
Art Deco table lamp by W.H. Gispen called 'Duikelaar' from 1928 for the Koninklijke Metaalwarenfabriek Daalderop.
The lamp is made of brass and has a beautiful patina. The base can be placed on the ring in different positions.
As can be seen in the photo, there is a small but not too noticeable dent in the base.