Vintage teak dining chairs by Henning Kjaernulf Korup Stolefabrik
Vintage teak dining chairs by Henning Kjaernulf Korup Stolefabrik
¥0 JPY
¥0 JPY
1960年代のH. Kjearnulfによるダイニングチェア4脚セット。非常に良い状態で、ほとんど使用された形跡は見られません。チーク材には特筆すべき使用の痕跡はなく、テキスタイルの見た目も感触も素晴らしく、椅子はすべて頑丈です。詳しい情報や写真については、お気軽にお問い合わせください。商品はドイツのシュトゥットガルトにあります。他の種類のヴィンテージデザイン家具をお探しの場合は、店頭でご覧いただくか、お問い合わせください。
Original Text
Set of 4 Dining chairs by H. Kjearnulf from the 1960s.
Very nice condition, almost no signs of use visable. The Teak wood shows no mentionable traces of use, the textile looks and feels great, all chairs are rocksolid.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further informations or pictures.
Item is located in Stuttgart, Germany.
If you are looking for an other kind of vintage design furniture please take a view in our storefront or contact us.
Original Text
Set of 4 Dining chairs by H. Kjearnulf from the 1960s.
Very nice condition, almost no signs of use visable. The Teak wood shows no mentionable traces of use, the textile looks and feels great, all chairs are rocksolid.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further informations or pictures.
Item is located in Stuttgart, Germany.
If you are looking for an other kind of vintage design furniture please take a view in our storefront or contact us.