Table Lamp ‘Tikal 1555’ By Pier Giuseppe Ramella For Arteluce, Italy 1980s
Table Lamp ‘Tikal 1555’ By Pier Giuseppe Ramella For Arteluce, Italy 1980s
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ピエール・ジュゼッペ・ラメラによるArteluceのテーブルランプ「ティカル 1555」。デザイナーのピエール・ジュゼッペ・ラメラは、このランプでマヤの都市ティカルへの抽象的な言及をしたかったのでしょうか?この美しいオブジェクトの名前は、少なくともそれを示唆しています。カット ガラスの形状は、頭飾りや、太陽の周りの光学現象として時々発生するハローをアピールします。ガラスの端から 2 センチメートルのところから、マットな表面を通して光を拡散させるサンドブラスト部分が始まります。ガラスの両側には、外縁に 3 本のリブを備えた丸いプラスチックのシェードが光源を覆っています。ガラスの片面はクリーム色の白いシェードで覆われ、もう一方の面はライトグレーのシェードで装飾されています。このアイテムには、形式を通じて表現されたより深い抽象的な参照が満載されており、マヤ文化が優先された媒体として明らかに使用されています。暗くなってランプが点灯すると、白い帽子は太陽を象徴し、灰色の帽子は日食を表します。機能レベルでは、灰色のキャップは常に薄暗くなり、反対側は明るい光を示します。このランプの特別な点は、金属プレートが回転するため、軸を中心に 360 度回転できることです。光源は凹んだガラスの中央に正確に配置されています。ランプの状態は非常に良好で、足の裏にArteluceのラベルが付いています。」
Original Text
Table lamp 'Tikal 1555' by Pier Giuseppe Ramella for Arteluce.Did the designer Pier Giuseppe Ramella want to make an abstract reference to the Mayan city of Tikal with this lamp? The name of this beautiful object at least suggests it.The shape of the cut glass appeals to an headdress or a halo that sometimes arises as an optical phenomenon around the sun. Two centimeters from the edge of the glass, the sandblasted part begins, which diffuses the light through the matt surface.On both sides of the glass, a round plastic shade, each with three ribs on the outer edge, covers the light source. One side of the glass is covered with a creamy white shade while the other side is adorned with a light gray one. This item is full of deeper abstract references expressed through form and the Mayan culture is obviously used as the preffered vehicle. When it is dark and the lamp is lit, the white cap symbolizes the sun and the gray cap the solar eclipse. On a functional level the grey cap is a constant dimmed version while the other side shows a bright light.The special thing about this lamp is that it can rotate 360 degrees on its axis due to the rotating metal plate. The light source is located exactly in the middle of the recessed glass. The condition of the lamp is very good and bears the Arteluce label on the bottom of the foot."
Original Text
Table lamp 'Tikal 1555' by Pier Giuseppe Ramella for Arteluce.Did the designer Pier Giuseppe Ramella want to make an abstract reference to the Mayan city of Tikal with this lamp? The name of this beautiful object at least suggests it.The shape of the cut glass appeals to an headdress or a halo that sometimes arises as an optical phenomenon around the sun. Two centimeters from the edge of the glass, the sandblasted part begins, which diffuses the light through the matt surface.On both sides of the glass, a round plastic shade, each with three ribs on the outer edge, covers the light source. One side of the glass is covered with a creamy white shade while the other side is adorned with a light gray one. This item is full of deeper abstract references expressed through form and the Mayan culture is obviously used as the preffered vehicle. When it is dark and the lamp is lit, the white cap symbolizes the sun and the gray cap the solar eclipse. On a functional level the grey cap is a constant dimmed version while the other side shows a bright light.The special thing about this lamp is that it can rotate 360 degrees on its axis due to the rotating metal plate. The light source is located exactly in the middle of the recessed glass. The condition of the lamp is very good and bears the Arteluce label on the bottom of the foot."