Strässle Gentilina leather office chair by Andre Vandenbeuck
Strässle Gentilina leather office chair by Andre Vandenbeuck
¥0 JPY
¥0 JPY
状態の良い茶色のレザーのジェンティリーナ オフィスチェア。レザーとステンレススチールの背もたれには、特にアームレストにわずかな摩耗の兆候が見られます。アームチェアは回転機構により座面の高さを 47 ~ 58 cm の間で高さ調整できます。オリジナルのキャスター付きのステンレススチールベースは良好な状態です。アンドレ ヴァンデンベックは 1960 年代にシュトラッスルのためにこのアームチェアをデザインし、古典的な椅子を生み出しました。スイスのメーカー Strässle は、1886 年以来、最高の職人技と時代を超越したデザインの布張り家具を製造してきました。Strässle は、家具に最高の革を使用し、最高レベルの職人技で製品を製造することで知られています。ジェンティリーナはコレクターの憧れのクラシックとなっています。
Original Text
A Gentilina office chair in brown leather in good condition. The leather and the stainless steel backrests show slight signs of wear, especially on the armrests. The armchair has a height adjustment, with seat heights between 47 - 58 cm, through a rotary mechanism. The stainless steel base with original castors is in excellent condition. Andre Vandenbeuck designed this armchair for Strässle in the 1960s and created a classic with it.
The Swiss manufacturer Strässle has been producing upholstered furniture of the highest craftsmanship and in timeless designs since 1886. Strässle became known for using the best leather for their furniture and for manufacturing their products with the highest level of craftsmanship. The Gentilina has become a classic sought after by collectors.
Original Text
A Gentilina office chair in brown leather in good condition. The leather and the stainless steel backrests show slight signs of wear, especially on the armrests. The armchair has a height adjustment, with seat heights between 47 - 58 cm, through a rotary mechanism. The stainless steel base with original castors is in excellent condition. Andre Vandenbeuck designed this armchair for Strässle in the 1960s and created a classic with it.
The Swiss manufacturer Strässle has been producing upholstered furniture of the highest craftsmanship and in timeless designs since 1886. Strässle became known for using the best leather for their furniture and for manufacturing their products with the highest level of craftsmanship. The Gentilina has become a classic sought after by collectors.