Steiner SK640 lounge chair by Pierre Guariche
Steiner SK640 lounge chair by Pierre Guariche
¥182,300 JPY
¥182,300 JPY
この SK 640 イージーチェアは素晴らしい状態です。肘掛け椅子は新しく布張りされ、高品質の明るいアイボリーのベルベット生地で覆われていました。ダークウッドの木製フレームは、明るい生地のカバーと見事に調和しており、摩耗の兆候はほとんどありません。この組み合わせにより、最高のエレガンスと特別性を備えた作品になります。このモデルは、1950年代にフランスのインテリアデザイナー、ピエール・グアリッシュによってシュタイナー・パリのためにデザインされました。シュタイナー パリ工房は、最高品質の高級家具で知られています。シュタイナーに加えて、グアリッシュはリーニュ・ロゼでも働いていました。
Original Text
This SK 640 Easy Chair is in excellent condition. The armchair was newly upholstered and covered with a high-quality light ivory velvet fabric. The wooden frames in dark wood harmonize wonderfully with the light fabric cover and show almost no signs of wear. In this combination, a piece of the highest elegance and exclusivity.
This model was designed by the French interior designer Pierre Guariche for Steiner Paris in the 1950s. The Steiner Paris manufactory is known for the highest quality and exclusive furniture. In addition to Steiner, Guariche also worked for Ligne Roset.
Original Text
This SK 640 Easy Chair is in excellent condition. The armchair was newly upholstered and covered with a high-quality light ivory velvet fabric. The wooden frames in dark wood harmonize wonderfully with the light fabric cover and show almost no signs of wear. In this combination, a piece of the highest elegance and exclusivity.
This model was designed by the French interior designer Pierre Guariche for Steiner Paris in the 1950s. The Steiner Paris manufactory is known for the highest quality and exclusive furniture. In addition to Steiner, Guariche also worked for Ligne Roset.