Space Age Combi Lux Floor Lamp By Stanislav Inndra For Lidokov, 70s
Space Age Combi Lux Floor Lamp By Stanislav Inndra For Lidokov, 70s
¥105,700 JPY
¥105,700 JPY
70 年代にスタニスラフ インドラがリドコフのためにデザインしたブラウンのコンビ ラックス フロア ランプ。2 つのランプ シェードは銀色のポールで垂直に調整可能で、光をさまざまな方向に向けることもできます。非常に良好な状態で、完全に修復され、配線し直されています。E27 電球 2 個を使用します。
Original Text
Brown Combi Lux floor lamp designed by Stanislav Indra for Lidokov in the 70s. Two lampshades are vertically adjustable on the silver pole, light could be also pointed into different directions. It's in very good condition, completely restored and rewired. Takes two E27 bulbs.
Original Text
Brown Combi Lux floor lamp designed by Stanislav Indra for Lidokov in the 70s. Two lampshades are vertically adjustable on the silver pole, light could be also pointed into different directions. It's in very good condition, completely restored and rewired. Takes two E27 bulbs.