Sirrah "Sigla" postmodern table lamp, 1980s
Sirrah "Sigla" postmodern table lamp, 1980s
¥89,600 JPY
¥89,600 JPY
この美しいポストモダン ランプは、1980 年代にイタリアの Sirrah のために René Kemna によってデザインされました。ランプはさまざまな高さに配置でき、キャップは 360° 回転します。2 つのライト モードがあります。高さ: 85 cm
Original Text
This beautiful postmodern lamp was designed by René Kemna for the Italian Sirrah in the 1980s. The lamp can be positioned in different height positions and the cap rotates 360°. There are two light modes.
height: 85 cm
Original Text
This beautiful postmodern lamp was designed by René Kemna for the Italian Sirrah in the 1980s. The lamp can be positioned in different height positions and the cap rotates 360°. There are two light modes.
height: 85 cm