Silkeborg Genius teak armchair by Illum Wikkelso
Silkeborg Genius teak armchair by Illum Wikkelso
¥187,900 JPY
¥187,900 JPY
CFC Silkeborgの優れた状態のGeniusチークアームチェア。とても美しい木目と蜂蜜色の色合いが魅力的な木製フレームは、ほとんど使用感がありません。ベージュブラウンのウール生地で作られたカバーも完璧な状態です。アームチェアは非常に優れた座り心地を提供します。 Cfc Silkeborg はデンマークで最も有名な家具メーカーの 1 つであり、デンマークのチーク材を扱い、最高のデザイナーとコラボレーションしています。これらのアームチェアは、1960 年代に Illum Wikkelso によってデザインされました。
Original Text
A Genius teak armchair in excellent condition from CFC Silkeborg. The attractive wooden frame with a very beautiful grain and a honey-colored color shows hardly any signs of wear. The covers, which are made from a beige brown wool fabric, are also in perfect condition. The armchair offers very good seating comfort. Cfc Silkeborg was one of the most famous Danish furniture manufacturers, dealing with Danish teak and collaborating with the best designers. These armchairs were designed by Illum Wikkelso in the 1960s.
Original Text
A Genius teak armchair in excellent condition from CFC Silkeborg. The attractive wooden frame with a very beautiful grain and a honey-colored color shows hardly any signs of wear. The covers, which are made from a beige brown wool fabric, are also in perfect condition. The armchair offers very good seating comfort. Cfc Silkeborg was one of the most famous Danish furniture manufacturers, dealing with Danish teak and collaborating with the best designers. These armchairs were designed by Illum Wikkelso in the 1960s.