Set of 2 Nicoletti Salotti Ambassador leather armchairs
Set of 2 Nicoletti Salotti Ambassador leather armchairs
¥0 JPY
¥0 JPY
これら 2 つのアンバサダー レザー アームチェアは、素晴らしい状態にあります。柔らかい黒のレザーは汚れがなく、摩耗の兆候は最小限です。アームチェアの背面にあるどっしりとした柱が特徴で、武骨な後姿を演出します。これらのアームチェアで、ニコレッティ サロッティは 80 年代のポストモダン デザインの印象的な例をデザインしました。イタリアのデザイナー、ニコレッティ・サロッティは、並外れたポストモダンなデザインで知られています。
Original Text
These two Ambassador leather armchairs are in excellent condition. The soft black leather is immaculate and shows minimal signs of wear. The armchairs are characterized by the solid-looking pillars on the back of the armchairs, which give them a martial rear view.
With these armchairs, Nicoletti Salotti designed an impressive example of postmodern design in the 80s. The Italian designer Nicoletti Salotti is known for extraordinary postmodern designs.
Original Text
These two Ambassador leather armchairs are in excellent condition. The soft black leather is immaculate and shows minimal signs of wear. The armchairs are characterized by the solid-looking pillars on the back of the armchairs, which give them a martial rear view.
With these armchairs, Nicoletti Salotti designed an impressive example of postmodern design in the 80s. The Italian designer Nicoletti Salotti is known for extraordinary postmodern designs.