Rosenthal Hombre dining table by Burkhard Vogtherr
Rosenthal Hombre dining table by Burkhard Vogtherr
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Rosenthal の非常に良好な状態の無垢の黒いダイニング テーブル。無垢の木製テーブル トップは、Hombre 特有の立方体の木製アーチの上にあり、フレームの凹みによりテーブル全体での座り心地が抜群です。ダイニング テーブルは、Hombre デスク バージョンとわずかに異なるだけなので、デスクとしても使用できます。テーブル トップとフレームにわずかな摩耗の兆候があります。世界有数の磁器メーカーとして知られる Rosenthal は、1970 年代に、有名なデザイナーに家具をデザインしてもらい、Rosenthal のブランドで販売することを決定しました。こうして、Burkhard Vogtherr がデザインしたこの Hombre コレクションを含む、1970 年代のデザイン アイコンが誕生しました。
Original Text
Solid black dining table from Rosenthal in very good condition. The solid wooden table top rests on the cubic wooden arches typical of Hombre and the recessed arrangement of the frame allows for excellent seating at the entire table. The dining table can also be used as a desk as it only differs marginally from the Hombre desk version. Minimal signs of wear on the table top and frame. Rosenthal, known as one of the world's outstanding porcelain manufacturers, decided in the 1970s to have some furniture designed by well-known designers and to market it under the Rosenthal label. This is how some design icons of the 1970s came into being, including this Hombre collection, designed by Burkhard Vogtherr.
Original Text
Solid black dining table from Rosenthal in very good condition. The solid wooden table top rests on the cubic wooden arches typical of Hombre and the recessed arrangement of the frame allows for excellent seating at the entire table. The dining table can also be used as a desk as it only differs marginally from the Hombre desk version. Minimal signs of wear on the table top and frame. Rosenthal, known as one of the world's outstanding porcelain manufacturers, decided in the 1970s to have some furniture designed by well-known designers and to market it under the Rosenthal label. This is how some design icons of the 1970s came into being, including this Hombre collection, designed by Burkhard Vogtherr.