Pierre Cardin Black Lacquered Sideboard for Roche Bobois
Pierre Cardin Black Lacquered Sideboard for Roche Bobois
¥908,100 JPY
¥908,100 JPY
ピエール・カルダンによる素晴らしいヴィンテージサイドボードは、ロッシュ・ボボアによって黒漆塗りの木材、真珠層、真鍮で製作され、サイドボード自体を縁取る太い真鍮のラインが特徴です。光沢のあるブラックラッカーは、明るい真鍮のディテールと各コーナーの真珠層の象嵌と組み合わされて、エレガントで豪華なスタイルを与えています。四角いシンプルなスタイルは、4 つの扉と中央の 4 つの引き出しが特徴で、引き出しの後ろと内側にも漆塗りが施されており、70 年代後半から 80 年代の典型的なスタイルです。高品質の素材のみを使用して製造されたこのサイドボードは、写真に見られるように、まだ素晴らしいヴィンテージの状態です。寸法: 高さ 73cm 長さ 248cm 奥行き 56cm
Original Text
Wonderful Vintage sideboard by Pierre Cardin produced by Roche Bobois in black lacquered wood, mother of pearl and brass characterized by thick brass lines that frame the sideboard itself.
The glossy black lacquer, combined with bright brass details and nacre inlays on each corner, give it an elegant and luxurious style.
Its squared and simple style, characterized by four doors and four central drawers, also lacquered behind and in the drawers, is a typical style between the late 70s and 80s.
Produced only with high quality materials, this sideboard is still in excellent vintage condition as shown in the photographs.
Height 73cm
Length 248cm
D 56 cms
Original Text
Wonderful Vintage sideboard by Pierre Cardin produced by Roche Bobois in black lacquered wood, mother of pearl and brass characterized by thick brass lines that frame the sideboard itself.
The glossy black lacquer, combined with bright brass details and nacre inlays on each corner, give it an elegant and luxurious style.
Its squared and simple style, characterized by four doors and four central drawers, also lacquered behind and in the drawers, is a typical style between the late 70s and 80s.
Produced only with high quality materials, this sideboard is still in excellent vintage condition as shown in the photographs.
Height 73cm
Length 248cm
D 56 cms