Pair of Cloche Table Lamps by De Pas, D’Urbino, and Lomazzi for Sirrah, 1980s
Pair of Cloche Table Lamps by De Pas, D’Urbino, and Lomazzi for Sirrah, 1980s
¥268,500 JPY
¥268,500 JPY
1980年代に有名なデザイナーであるDe Pas、D'Urbino、LomazziがSirrahのためにデザインした象徴的なクロッシュ テーブル ランプのペアで、空間を明るく照らしましょう。これらの印象的なランプは、イタリアン デザインを定義する形状と機能の典型的な融合を体現しています。鮮やかなグリーンのベルを思わせるなめらかでエレガントなシルエットが特徴で、集中照明と間接照明の両方を提供しながら、見事な視覚的なセンターピースとして機能し、モダンまたは現代的な環境に最適です。高品質の素材で作られており、De Pas、D'Urbino、Lomazziの作品の代名詞である完璧な職人技と細部へのこだわりを示しています。ベッドサイド テーブル、デスク、またはリビングルームやオフィスのアクセントとして使用するのに最適なこれらのクロッシュ テーブル ランプは、あらゆる空間にミッドセンチュリー モダンな魅力をもたらします。時代を超越したデザインにより、多用途でスタイリッシュなインテリアとしてお使いいただけます。これらのランプは、元の倉庫在庫からの素晴らしい状態です。一度も使用されたことがなく、元のパッケージに入っているので、新品同様の外観を保ち、優れた品質を保証します。
Original Text
Illuminate your space with this iconic pair of Cloche Table Lamps by renowned designers De Pas, D’Urbino, and Lomazzi for Sirrah from the 1980s. These striking lamps embody the quintessential blend of form and function that defines Italian design. Featuring a sleek and elegant silhouette reminiscent of a bell in a vibrant green color, they serve as stunning visual centerpieces while providing both focused and ambient lighting, perfect for any modern or contemporary setting. Crafted with high-quality materials, they showcase the impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail synonymous with De Pas, D’Urbino, and Lomazzi’s work.
Ideal for use on bedside tables, desks, or as accent pieces in living rooms and offices, these Cloche Table Lamps bring a touch of mid-century modern charm to any space. Their timeless design ensures they remain versatile and stylish additions to your home decor. These lamps are in excellent condition, coming from original warehouse stock. They have never been used and come in their original packaging, maintaining their pristine appearance and ensuring their exceptional quality.
Original Text
Illuminate your space with this iconic pair of Cloche Table Lamps by renowned designers De Pas, D’Urbino, and Lomazzi for Sirrah from the 1980s. These striking lamps embody the quintessential blend of form and function that defines Italian design. Featuring a sleek and elegant silhouette reminiscent of a bell in a vibrant green color, they serve as stunning visual centerpieces while providing both focused and ambient lighting, perfect for any modern or contemporary setting. Crafted with high-quality materials, they showcase the impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail synonymous with De Pas, D’Urbino, and Lomazzi’s work.
Ideal for use on bedside tables, desks, or as accent pieces in living rooms and offices, these Cloche Table Lamps bring a touch of mid-century modern charm to any space. Their timeless design ensures they remain versatile and stylish additions to your home decor. These lamps are in excellent condition, coming from original warehouse stock. They have never been used and come in their original packaging, maintaining their pristine appearance and ensuring their exceptional quality.