The neat studios
P142 Lounge Chair by Eugenio Gerli for Tecno, 1969
P142 Lounge Chair by Eugenio Gerli for Tecno, 1969
¥229,700 JPY
¥229,700 JPY
P142 ラウンジ チェアは、イタリア人デザイナーの Eugenio Gerli が 1969 年に有名な家具メーカー Tecno のためにデザインしたもので、時代を超えたデザインと精巧な職人技の真の象徴です。このチェアは、車輪に取り付けられた洗練された構造を誇り、耐久性のある金属から巧みに作られ、高級な革で贅沢に張られています。この象徴的な作品は洗練さと優雅さを醸し出し、現代のインテリアに欠かせないものとなっています。非常に良好な状態で提供される P142 ラウンジ チェアは、多用途で快適な座席オプションであるだけでなく、置かれた空間を美しく演出するステートメント ピースでもあります。6 個販売中。/1 個あたりの価格 SKU: DP0005
Original Text
The P142 lounge chair, designed by Italian designer Eugenio Gerli for the renowned furniture manufacturer Tecno in 1969, is a true symbol of timeless design and exquisite craftsmanship. The chair boasts a sleek structure mounted on wheels, expertly crafted from durable metal and luxuriously upholstered in high-quality leather. This iconic piece exudes sophistication and elegance, making it a must-have for any modern interior. Offered in excellent condition, the P142 lounge chair is not only a versatile and comfortable seating option but also a statement piece that will elevate any space it graces.
6 pieces available./price per piece
SKU: DP0005
Original Text
The P142 lounge chair, designed by Italian designer Eugenio Gerli for the renowned furniture manufacturer Tecno in 1969, is a true symbol of timeless design and exquisite craftsmanship. The chair boasts a sleek structure mounted on wheels, expertly crafted from durable metal and luxuriously upholstered in high-quality leather. This iconic piece exudes sophistication and elegance, making it a must-have for any modern interior. Offered in excellent condition, the P142 lounge chair is not only a versatile and comfortable seating option but also a statement piece that will elevate any space it graces.
6 pieces available./price per piece
SKU: DP0005