AtKris Studio
Nerone & Patuzzi Zinc Headboard Panel, Italy 1970s
Nerone & Patuzzi Zinc Headboard Panel, Italy 1970s
¥1,336,400 JPY
¥1,336,400 JPY
このNerone & Patuzziの亜鉛製ヘッドパネルは、1970年代に制作され、芸術的表現の顕著な例として挙げられます。亜鉛の加工の達人であるネローネ チェッチャレッリとジャンカルロ パトゥッツィによって制作されたこの作品は、その美しい例を示しています。亜鉛は酸で巧みに処理されており、その結果、表面全体に光の相互作用が生じ、滑らかで光沢のある部分と、粗くて暗い質感が対照的になります。ヘッドパネルのデザインは、細心の注意を払って溝をトレースし、明確で本質的な幾何学形状を備えた明確な表面を定義するラインを特徴としています。意図的に形を配置することで、見る人の注意を引く調和のとれた構成が生まれます。アーティストのテクニックはレリーフ効果を生み出し、パネル上の形状に奥行きと立体感を加えます。この抽象的な芸術作品の中に、ジョアン ミロやピカソのような前衛的な先駆者の反響に気付かずにはいられません。高いレベルの抽象度は、鑑賞者が形、質感、光と影の相互作用に没頭するにつれて、熟考と解釈を促します。この商品の真ん中にサインが入っていますのでご了承ください。パネルは全体的に良好な状態ですが、明らかにいくつかの摩耗の痕跡が見られます。したがって、この商品にはいくつかの汚れや跡が見られます。
Original Text
This Nerone & Patuzzi zinc head panel, produced in the seventies, stands as a remarkable example of artistic expression. Crafted by Nerone Cecciarelli and Giancarlo Patuzzi, masters of working with forms of zinc, this piece showcases a beautiful example of that. The zinc is skillfully treated with acid, resulting in an interplay of light across its surfaces, where smooth and shiny areas contrast with rough and dark textures.
The head panel's design features lines that meticulously trace furrows and define distinct surfaces, each possessing a stark and essential geometry. The deliberate arrangement of shapes creates a harmonious composition that captures the viewer's attention. The artist's technique produces a relief effect, adding depth and dimension to the forms on the panel.
Within this abstract artwork, one cannot help but notice echoes of avant-garde pioneers like Joan Miró and Picasso. The high level of abstraction invites contemplation and interpretation, as viewers engage with the interplay of shapes, textures, and the interplay of light and shadow. Please note a signature can be found in the middle of this item.
The panel is overall in good condition but definitely shows some traces of wear. A couple of stains and marks therefore can be found across this item.
Original Text
This Nerone & Patuzzi zinc head panel, produced in the seventies, stands as a remarkable example of artistic expression. Crafted by Nerone Cecciarelli and Giancarlo Patuzzi, masters of working with forms of zinc, this piece showcases a beautiful example of that. The zinc is skillfully treated with acid, resulting in an interplay of light across its surfaces, where smooth and shiny areas contrast with rough and dark textures.
The head panel's design features lines that meticulously trace furrows and define distinct surfaces, each possessing a stark and essential geometry. The deliberate arrangement of shapes creates a harmonious composition that captures the viewer's attention. The artist's technique produces a relief effect, adding depth and dimension to the forms on the panel.
Within this abstract artwork, one cannot help but notice echoes of avant-garde pioneers like Joan Miró and Picasso. The high level of abstraction invites contemplation and interpretation, as viewers engage with the interplay of shapes, textures, and the interplay of light and shadow. Please note a signature can be found in the middle of this item.
The panel is overall in good condition but definitely shows some traces of wear. A couple of stains and marks therefore can be found across this item.