Modulair Vintage Bouclé Patchwork sofa by Desede, DS-11
Modulair Vintage Bouclé Patchwork sofa by Desede, DS-11
¥1,489,300 JPY
¥1,489,300 JPY
Desedeは高品質の革製ソファを生産し、現在も生産し続けています。残念ながら、このオリジナルのコニャックレザーは最期を迎えたため、この象徴的なソファを明るい茶色がかったライトグレーの柔らかいブークレ生地で張り替えました。したがって、この DS11 モデルは唯一無二のモデルであると言えます。ムブロ社のリッチー生地で張り替えました。このセットには、1人掛け要素3つとコーナー要素1つが含まれています。複数のセットアップに配置できるすべての個別の要素。 4 個セット。完璧な状態です。 1枚目の写真の寸法: シート高さ: 43cm 高さ: 63cm 奥行き: 140cm 幅: 220cm
Original Text
Desede produced high quality leather sofas and is still producing them today.
Unfortunately this original cognac leather one had its best time so we reupholsterd this iconic sofa in a light brownish, light grey soft boucle fabric.
So you can say that this DS11 model is a one of a kind.
Reupholsterd in Richie fabric from Mublo.
This set contains 3 one seater elements and 1 corner element.
All separate elements that can be placed in multiple setups.
Set of 4.
In absolute perfect condition.
Dimensions as in 1st picture :
SeatHeight : 43cm
Height : 63cm
Depth : 140cm
Width : 220cm
Original Text
Desede produced high quality leather sofas and is still producing them today.
Unfortunately this original cognac leather one had its best time so we reupholsterd this iconic sofa in a light brownish, light grey soft boucle fabric.
So you can say that this DS11 model is a one of a kind.
Reupholsterd in Richie fabric from Mublo.
This set contains 3 one seater elements and 1 corner element.
All separate elements that can be placed in multiple setups.
Set of 4.
In absolute perfect condition.
Dimensions as in 1st picture :
SeatHeight : 43cm
Height : 63cm
Depth : 140cm
Width : 220cm