La Corte walnut and glass dining table by Mario Bellini for Cassina 1970s
La Corte walnut and glass dining table by Mario Bellini for Cassina 1970s
¥1,084,000 JPY
¥1,084,000 JPY
マリオ・ベリーニによるカッシーナの非常に珍しいデザイン。ラ・コルテのダイニングテーブルは、ごく限られた数しか生産されませんでした。有名な展覧会「イタリア: 新しい国内風景」の後、ベリーニは家具デザインの絶対的な基本に立ち返る旅に乗り出しました。このテーブルはこの旅の結果です。このテーブルは 1976 年にイタリア国内でのみ販売されました。ベリーニの手による他のダイニングテーブルとは対照的に、このテーブルはもう生産されていません。したがって、独占性は保護されます。このテーブルは、印象的な無垢材の無垢材の 4 本脚の十字脚が特徴で、ガラス板を支える 4 つの大きな十字模様のアームに発展します。足の形状は比較的単純ですが、その結果は印象的です。このテーブルは力強いスタンスを持ち、シンプルな形状と太い脚により確かにブルータリズムの雰囲気を持っています。適切な環境に十分なスペースがあれば、このテーブルは絶対的なハイライトとなるでしょう。上部のガラス板は層状ガラスで構成されており、直径 165 cm で、少なくとも 10 人が座れるスペースを提供します。出典が記載されており、テーブルの信頼性を証明します。文献:モルテオ、エンリコ。マリオ・ベリーニ。家具、機械、物品。ロンドン: ファイドン、2008 年、p. 176. テーブルは素晴らしい状態です。
Original Text
An extremely rare design by Mario Bellini for Cassina. The La Corte dining table was only produced in very limited numbers. After the famous exhibition ‘Italy: The New Domestic Landscape’ Bellini embarked on a journey to go back to the absolute basics in furniture design. This table is a result of this journey. The tables were only offered for sale only in 1976 within Italy. In contrast to other dining tables of Bellini’s hand, this table is not in production anymore. So, exclusivity is safeguarded.
The table features an impressive solid bare walnut wood 4 legged cross foot that evolves into four large crossed patterned arms supporting the glass plate. Although the foot has a relatively simple geometry, the result is impressive. The table has a strong stance and due to the simple geometry and thick legs certainly has a brutalist feeling to it. Provided sufficient space in the right environment, this table will be an absolute highlight. The top glass plate consists of layered glass and measures 165 cm diameter, providing room for at least 10 persons.
Provenance is provided, certifying the authenticity of the table. Literature: Morteo, Enrico. Mario Bellini. Furniture, Machines and Objects. London: Phaidon, 2008, p. 176.
The table is in excellent condition.
Original Text
An extremely rare design by Mario Bellini for Cassina. The La Corte dining table was only produced in very limited numbers. After the famous exhibition ‘Italy: The New Domestic Landscape’ Bellini embarked on a journey to go back to the absolute basics in furniture design. This table is a result of this journey. The tables were only offered for sale only in 1976 within Italy. In contrast to other dining tables of Bellini’s hand, this table is not in production anymore. So, exclusivity is safeguarded.
The table features an impressive solid bare walnut wood 4 legged cross foot that evolves into four large crossed patterned arms supporting the glass plate. Although the foot has a relatively simple geometry, the result is impressive. The table has a strong stance and due to the simple geometry and thick legs certainly has a brutalist feeling to it. Provided sufficient space in the right environment, this table will be an absolute highlight. The top glass plate consists of layered glass and measures 165 cm diameter, providing room for at least 10 persons.
Provenance is provided, certifying the authenticity of the table. Literature: Morteo, Enrico. Mario Bellini. Furniture, Machines and Objects. London: Phaidon, 2008, p. 176.
The table is in excellent condition.