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Knoll International coffee table by Tobia & Afra Scarpa
Knoll International coffee table by Tobia & Afra Scarpa
¥0 JPY
¥0 JPY
1960年代のKnoll International向けにTobia & Afra Scarpaが制作したイタリア製コーヒーテーブル。テーブルの木製の天板は木製の脚の上に緩く置かれています。テーブルは全体的に良好な状態です。テーブル天板に小さな傷、テーブル角に塗装の剥がれがございます。テーブル脚の上部に小さな亀裂があり、テーブルトップを取り外した場合にのみ確認できます。詳しい情報や写真については、お気軽にお問い合わせください。商品はドイツのシュトゥットガルトにあります。他の種類のヴィンテージデザイン家具をお探しの場合は、店頭でご覧いただくか、お問い合わせください。
Original Text
Italian coffee table by Tobia & Afra Scarpa for Knoll International from the 1960s.
The wooden top of the table is placed loosely on the wooden legs.The table is in good general condition.
Minor scratches on the table top and chipped paint on the corners of the table.
A small Crack on the top of a table leg, which is only visible when the table top is removed.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further informations or pictures.
Item is located in Stuttgart, Germany.
If you are looking for an other kind of vintage design furniture please take a view in our storefront or contact us.
Original Text
Italian coffee table by Tobia & Afra Scarpa for Knoll International from the 1960s.
The wooden top of the table is placed loosely on the wooden legs.The table is in good general condition.
Minor scratches on the table top and chipped paint on the corners of the table.
A small Crack on the top of a table leg, which is only visible when the table top is removed.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further informations or pictures.
Item is located in Stuttgart, Germany.
If you are looking for an other kind of vintage design furniture please take a view in our storefront or contact us.