Kill International leather armchair with ottoman by Rudolf B. Glatzel
Kill International leather armchair with ottoman by Rudolf B. Glatzel
¥0 JPY
¥0 JPY
ブラックレザーのレザーアームチェアは、最小限で魅力的な緑青を示しており、非常に良好な状態です。アームチェアとオットマンの革は柔らかく、摩耗の兆候は最小限であり、木製フレームも摩耗の兆候は最小限です。ネックロールは挿入されており、高さを変更したり、完全に取り外したりすることができます。シートクッションは優れた座り心地を提供します。ドイツ人デザイナーのルドルフ B. グラッツェルは、ドイツのメーカーであるキル インターナショナル向けなど、1960 年代半ばにさまざまなクラシック作品をデザインしました。 Kill International はドイツで最も重要な家具メーカーの 1 つであり、多くの将来の世代の建築家や家具デザイナーに影響を与えました。
Original Text
The leather armchair in black leather shows a minimal, attractive patina and is in very good condition. The leather of the armchair and the ottoman is soft with minimal signs of wear, the wooden frames also show minimal signs of wear. The neck roll is inserted and can be varied in height or removed completely. The seat cushion offers good seating comfort.
The German designer Rudolf B. Glatzel designed various classics in the mid-1960s, including for the German manufacturer Kill International. Kill International was one of the most important German furniture manufacturers and influenced many future generations of architects and furniture designers.
Original Text
The leather armchair in black leather shows a minimal, attractive patina and is in very good condition. The leather of the armchair and the ottoman is soft with minimal signs of wear, the wooden frames also show minimal signs of wear. The neck roll is inserted and can be varied in height or removed completely. The seat cushion offers good seating comfort.
The German designer Rudolf B. Glatzel designed various classics in the mid-1960s, including for the German manufacturer Kill International. Kill International was one of the most important German furniture manufacturers and influenced many future generations of architects and furniture designers.