Iconic Balestra rocker chair with ottoman by Marzio Cecchi for Studio Most Italy 1968, set of 2
Iconic Balestra rocker chair with ottoman by Marzio Cecchi for Studio Most Italy 1968, set of 2
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¥0 JPY
宇宙時代、モダニズム、ミニマリズムにイタリアのセンスをプラス。フィレンツェの建築家、故マルツィオ・チェッキ(1940-1990)によるこの比類のない象徴的なデザインには、すべてがまとめられているようです。マルツィオ チェッキはフィレンツェ出身の有名な建築家で、60 年代にスタジオ モストと呼ばれる自身の家具デザイン スタジオを設立し、そこで多くの象徴的な作品をデザインしました。彼の作品の多くはオーダーメイドの作品や、小規模なシリーズで制作される風変わりなデザインでした。 Marzio Cecchi は、素材の使用と組み合わせにおける創造性と、デザインにおける独特のスタイルでよく知られているデザイナーです。彼は古代ローマの建築やレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチやミケランジェロなどからインスピレーションを得て、それをイタリアのモダニズムのスタイルに取り入れました。 Cecchi のアイテムは、主にその希少性により、デザインの世界で人気があります。デザイナーとして最初の評価を得た後、妹も加わり、マルツィオ・チェッキがデザインした家具をイタリア国内だけでなく世界中で販売し始めました。これは、優れたデザイン家具の展示会に頼って、革新的で研究され調和のとれたラインを備えた本物のデザイン家具とみなされるものを手に入れるために、莫大な金額を費やす準備ができている多くのバイヤーを発見しました。年々、受賞する賞の数は飛躍的に増加し、マルツィオ・チェッキは革新的で創造的なデザイナー、家具の機能性とその快適さに関連した美しさの推進者とみなされるようになりました。さらに、彼の作品を特徴付けるもう 1 つの要素はその職人技に関連しており、その一部は国際的に有名な美術館に購入されたほどです。言うまでもなく、彼のデザインは現在のデザイン界で非常に高く評価されています。 Balestra シリーズでは、Cecchi は金属の曲げという古代の工芸と曲率の芸術からインスピレーションを受けました。問題のバレストラは、非常に珍しい回転版に関するものです。 Cecchi はデザインの達人であり、回転ポイントがシートの前に配置される構造を考案しました。美しく曲げられたスチールフレームによって強力なカウンターウェイトを提供することで、ロッキングシステムの完璧なバランスを実現します。上部フレーム全体が接続点で上下に回転します。まったく素晴らしい建築物です。スイベル機構内の機械式スプリング システムが人の体重に合わせて調整されます。この椅子は、特に 1960 年代には時代を先取りしていました。フレームに施された特徴的なロールが特徴のチェアです。オリジナルの状態で、ダークオリーブグリーンの革張りで装飾されています。同じ回転機構を備えた対応するオットマンが付属します。通常のバレストラを見つけるのは稀ですが、この特定の椅子を手に入れるのはさらに稀です。公式な生産数は不明ですが、これらの椅子はわずか数脚しか生産されていないと推定されています。椅子とオットマンの両方にチェッキ自身のサインが入っており、これもまた珍しいことです。この椅子は、あらゆるファッション、ライフスタイル、デザインの写真撮影や映画に最適で人目を引く作品になります。ヨーロッパ内のロケ地についてはレンタルオプションについてもご相談いただけます。オットマンのサイズ。幅81、奥行き75、高さ37cm。椅子は非常に良好で完全にオリジナルの状態で、革に小さな緑青がいくつかあります。
Original Text
Space age, modernism, minimalism and topped with Italian flair; all seems to be bundled in this one of a kind iconic design by the late Florentine architect Marzio Cecchi (1940-1990). Marzio Cecchi was a well-renowned architect from Firenze, who created his own design studio for furniture in the 60s, called Studio Most, where he designed many iconic pieces. Many of his pieces were bespoke made-to-order pieces or outlandish designs produced in small series. Marzio Cecchi is a designer well known for its creativity in the use and combination of materials and his unique style in designing. He took inspiration from ancient Romain architecture and the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo, and incorporated this in his style of Italian modernism. Items of Cecchi are well sought after in the design world, largely due to their scarcity.
After having achieved his first recognitions as a designer, he was joined by his sister who began to start the sale of furniture designed by Marzio Cecchi both in Italy and in the rest of the world. This, relying on the great design furniture exhibitions, found a large number of buyers ready to spend huge sums to grab what were considered as real design furniture, innovative and with studied and harmonious lines.
Year after year, the number of awards won grew exponentially, leading Marzio Cecchi to be considered an innovative and creative designer, promoter of the beauty associated with the functionality of the furnishings and their comfort. In addition, another element that characterized his creations was connected to the craftsmanship of the same, so much so that some of them were purchased by internationally renowned museums. Needless to say that his designs are very well appreciated in the current design space.
For the Balestra series Cecchi was inspired by the ancient craft of metal bending and the art of curvatures. The Balestra in question concerns a very rare swivel edition. Cecchi was a master in design and conceived a construction where the swivel point was positioned in front of the seat. By providing a strong counterweight by the beautifully bended steel frame, the rocking system is perfectly balanced. The entire top frame swivels up and down at the connecting point. It’s an absolute brilliant construction. The mechanical spring system inside the swivel mechanism adjusts for the weight of the person. This chair was ahead of its time, in particular in the 1960s. The chair features the characteristic rolls that are built around the frame. It’s upholstered in a dark olive green leather upholstery, in original condition. It comes with a matching ottoman with same swivel mechanism. A normal Balestra is a rarity to find but this specific chair is even more rare to come by. Although no official production numbers are known, it’s estimated that only few of these chairs have ever been produced. Both the chair and ottoman have been signed by Cecchi himself, another rarity to find.
The chair will be a perfect and eye-catching piece for any fashion, lifestyle or design photoshoot or film and rental options can be discussed for locations within Europe.
Size of ottoman; 81 width, 75 depth, 37 cm height.
The chair is in very good and fully original condition with some small patina on the leather.
Original Text
Space age, modernism, minimalism and topped with Italian flair; all seems to be bundled in this one of a kind iconic design by the late Florentine architect Marzio Cecchi (1940-1990). Marzio Cecchi was a well-renowned architect from Firenze, who created his own design studio for furniture in the 60s, called Studio Most, where he designed many iconic pieces. Many of his pieces were bespoke made-to-order pieces or outlandish designs produced in small series. Marzio Cecchi is a designer well known for its creativity in the use and combination of materials and his unique style in designing. He took inspiration from ancient Romain architecture and the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo, and incorporated this in his style of Italian modernism. Items of Cecchi are well sought after in the design world, largely due to their scarcity.
After having achieved his first recognitions as a designer, he was joined by his sister who began to start the sale of furniture designed by Marzio Cecchi both in Italy and in the rest of the world. This, relying on the great design furniture exhibitions, found a large number of buyers ready to spend huge sums to grab what were considered as real design furniture, innovative and with studied and harmonious lines.
Year after year, the number of awards won grew exponentially, leading Marzio Cecchi to be considered an innovative and creative designer, promoter of the beauty associated with the functionality of the furnishings and their comfort. In addition, another element that characterized his creations was connected to the craftsmanship of the same, so much so that some of them were purchased by internationally renowned museums. Needless to say that his designs are very well appreciated in the current design space.
For the Balestra series Cecchi was inspired by the ancient craft of metal bending and the art of curvatures. The Balestra in question concerns a very rare swivel edition. Cecchi was a master in design and conceived a construction where the swivel point was positioned in front of the seat. By providing a strong counterweight by the beautifully bended steel frame, the rocking system is perfectly balanced. The entire top frame swivels up and down at the connecting point. It’s an absolute brilliant construction. The mechanical spring system inside the swivel mechanism adjusts for the weight of the person. This chair was ahead of its time, in particular in the 1960s. The chair features the characteristic rolls that are built around the frame. It’s upholstered in a dark olive green leather upholstery, in original condition. It comes with a matching ottoman with same swivel mechanism. A normal Balestra is a rarity to find but this specific chair is even more rare to come by. Although no official production numbers are known, it’s estimated that only few of these chairs have ever been produced. Both the chair and ottoman have been signed by Cecchi himself, another rarity to find.
The chair will be a perfect and eye-catching piece for any fashion, lifestyle or design photoshoot or film and rental options can be discussed for locations within Europe.
Size of ottoman; 81 width, 75 depth, 37 cm height.
The chair is in very good and fully original condition with some small patina on the leather.