Frametable by Alberto Meda for Alias, 2001
Frametable by Alberto Meda for Alias, 2001
¥414,600 JPY
¥414,600 JPY
2001 年に Alias のために Alberto Meda がデザインしたフレームテーブル。アルミフレームとガラス天板が特徴のテーブルです。光沢のあるフレームと、テーブル脚やガラス天板ホルダーなどの装飾的な要素により、フォーマルな軽やかさが感じられます。クロームとガラスの部分にわずかな傷が見られ、アイテムのヴィンテージ感を高めています。SKU: GB0209
Original Text
Frametable designed by Alberto Meda for Alias in 2001. The table features an aluminum frame with a glass top. The item has a sense of formal lightness with its shiny frames and decorative elements such as the table legs and glass top holders. The chrome and glass parts show slight scratches, adding to the vintage appeal of the items.
SKU: GB0209
Original Text
Frametable designed by Alberto Meda for Alias in 2001. The table features an aluminum frame with a glass top. The item has a sense of formal lightness with its shiny frames and decorative elements such as the table legs and glass top holders. The chrome and glass parts show slight scratches, adding to the vintage appeal of the items.
SKU: GB0209