Fiorenza chairs by Tito Agnoli for Molteni, Set of 5
Fiorenza chairs by Tito Agnoli for Molteni, Set of 5
¥367,500 JPY
¥367,500 JPY
ティト・アニョーリによるモルテーニのフィオレンツァ椅子 5 脚セット 椅子には欠陥はありませんが、経年によるわずかな使用の痕跡が見られます。素材:ウォールナット/レザー サイズはD45×B48×H94×SH48cm
Original Text
Set of 5 Fiorenza chairs by Tito Agnoli for Molteni
The chairs has no defects, but it shows slight traces of use consistent with age.
Material: Walnut/leather
Dimensions are D45 x B48 x H94 x SH48 cm
Original Text
Set of 5 Fiorenza chairs by Tito Agnoli for Molteni
The chairs has no defects, but it shows slight traces of use consistent with age.
Material: Walnut/leather
Dimensions are D45 x B48 x H94 x SH48 cm