Dutch Piano Lamp by Herman Busquet for Hala Zeist
Dutch Piano Lamp by Herman Busquet for Hala Zeist
¥65,700 JPY
¥65,700 JPY
1960 年代にオランダのハラ ザイストのためにヘルマン ブスケットによってデザインされた、クロムメッキ金属要素を備えた茶色のエナメル金属ピアノまたはテーブル ランプ。完全に伸ばした状態で、高さの範囲は26cmから38.50cmまで調節可能です。ランプヘッドが回転して回転し、必要な手段でピアノの鍵盤や楽譜を照らします。わずかな緑青とクロムの老化が見られますが、ピースは良好な状態を保っています。 E14 電球フィッティング 1 つ。
Original Text
Brown enamelled metal piano or table lamp with chromed metal elements designed by Herman Busquet for Hala Zeist in 1960s, the Netherlands. Adjustable height ranges from 26cm to 38.50cm when fully extended. Lamp head swivels and turns to light the piano keys or sheet music in whichever means necessary.
Slight patina and ageing of chrome, but piece remains in good condition.
One E14 bulb fitting.
Original Text
Brown enamelled metal piano or table lamp with chromed metal elements designed by Herman Busquet for Hala Zeist in 1960s, the Netherlands. Adjustable height ranges from 26cm to 38.50cm when fully extended. Lamp head swivels and turns to light the piano keys or sheet music in whichever means necessary.
Slight patina and ageing of chrome, but piece remains in good condition.
One E14 bulb fitting.