City Furniture
Decorative aluminium sideboard model Kast by Maarten Van Severen for Vitra 2005
Decorative aluminium sideboard model Kast by Maarten Van Severen for Vitra 2005
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ベルギーのインテリア建築家兼家具デザイナー、マールテン・ヴァン・セヴェレンの手による「Kast」という名前の装飾サイドボード。これは 2005 年に Vitra によって生産されましたが、残念ながら Van Severen がこれまでにデザインした最後のデザインの 1 つでした。ヴァン セヴェレンは芸術一家に生まれました。父親は抽象画家のダン ヴァン セヴェレン、兄のファビアン ヴァン セヴェレンもデザイナーです。勉強した後、ヴァン セヴェレンはオランダの建築家レム コールハースと緊密に協力し、インテリア デザインの仕事にも注意を向けました。この期間中、彼はヨーロッパのさまざまな機関で教職にも就きました。デザインと製造のプロセスは長い間彼の仕事の基本的な側面であり、椅子、テーブル、寝椅子、棚、キャビネットなどの基本的な家具の種類の検討に専念していました。 Van Severen は、形状、素材、構造に基づいて、これらのカテゴリ向けの主要なソリューションを開発しました。その後、ヴァン セヴェレンは、アルミニウムや合板からベークライトやポリエステルに至るまで、さまざまな素材を使って制作しました。彼の初期の作品は現在も Vitra と Aiki によって製造されています。この両面サイドボードはKastの中高さバージョンで、さまざまな機能を備えた8枚の引き戸があり、フルアルミニウム製です。引き戸はサイドボードの内部を隠したり見せたりするために使用される一方、オープンスペースのカラフルな背景としても機能します。ヴァン セヴェレンは、カストのプロポーションを強調するだけでなく、新鮮で楽観的な雰囲気を与える引き戸の色に特別な注意を払いました。サイドボードはきれいな状態で保管されています。現在は生産されていないため、希少な逸品です。
Original Text
Decorative sideboard named ’ Kast’ by the hand of Belgian interior architect and furniture designer Maarten Van Severen. It was produced by Vitra in 2005 and unfortunately one of the last designs Van Severen ever designed. Van Severen came from an artistic family: his father was the abstract painter Dan Van Severen while his brother, Fabian Van Severen, is also a designer. After his studies, Van Severen collaborated closely with dutch architect Rem Koolhaas and also turned his attention to interior design tasks. During this period he also assumed teaching positions at a variety of institutions in Europe.
The process of design and production was long a fundamental aspect of his work, which was devoted to the examination of basic furniture types: chair, table, chaise longue, shelving, cabinet. Van Severen developed primary solutions for these categories based on form, material and construction. Van Severen subsequently worked in various different materials, from aluminium and plywood to bakelite and polyester. His initial work is still manufactured by Vitra and Aiki today.
This double faced sideboard is the medium-height version of Kast, it has 8 sliding doors that have a various function and is fully made out of aluminium. The sliding doors are used to hide or expose the inside of the sideboard, on the other hand, they also function as a colorful background of the open spaces. Van Severen paid special attention to the colours of the sliding doors, which not only emphasise the proportions of Kast but also give it a fresh and optimistic feeling.
The sideboard stands in a well kept, clean condition. A rare find as this is no longer in production.
Original Text
Decorative sideboard named ’ Kast’ by the hand of Belgian interior architect and furniture designer Maarten Van Severen. It was produced by Vitra in 2005 and unfortunately one of the last designs Van Severen ever designed. Van Severen came from an artistic family: his father was the abstract painter Dan Van Severen while his brother, Fabian Van Severen, is also a designer. After his studies, Van Severen collaborated closely with dutch architect Rem Koolhaas and also turned his attention to interior design tasks. During this period he also assumed teaching positions at a variety of institutions in Europe.
The process of design and production was long a fundamental aspect of his work, which was devoted to the examination of basic furniture types: chair, table, chaise longue, shelving, cabinet. Van Severen developed primary solutions for these categories based on form, material and construction. Van Severen subsequently worked in various different materials, from aluminium and plywood to bakelite and polyester. His initial work is still manufactured by Vitra and Aiki today.
This double faced sideboard is the medium-height version of Kast, it has 8 sliding doors that have a various function and is fully made out of aluminium. The sliding doors are used to hide or expose the inside of the sideboard, on the other hand, they also function as a colorful background of the open spaces. Van Severen paid special attention to the colours of the sliding doors, which not only emphasise the proportions of Kast but also give it a fresh and optimistic feeling.
The sideboard stands in a well kept, clean condition. A rare find as this is no longer in production.