Confidential sofa set by Alberto Rosselli for Saporiti Italia ,1970s
Confidential sofa set by Alberto Rosselli for Saporiti Italia ,1970s
¥1,323,300 JPY
¥1,323,300 JPY
グレー/ブルーのスエードのソファ 2 人掛けと肘掛け椅子 2 脚 1 人掛けで構成されるリビング ルームのセット。シート de Chaque éléments の下に SAPORITI の刻印があります。座面高さ39cm。アームチェアの幅: 86 cm。リビングルームの経年劣化による磨耗。
Original Text
Set of living room composed of a sofa 2 seats and two armchairs one seat in Grey / blue suede. Stamped SAPORITI under the seat de chaque éléments. Seat height 39cm. Width Armchair: 86 cm. Wear due to time and age of the living room.
Original Text
Set of living room composed of a sofa 2 seats and two armchairs one seat in Grey / blue suede. Stamped SAPORITI under the seat de chaque éléments. Seat height 39cm. Width Armchair: 86 cm. Wear due to time and age of the living room.