Cinova 711 Leather Sofa Daybed by Tito Agnoli
Cinova 711 Leather Sofa Daybed by Tito Agnoli
¥0 JPY
¥0 JPY
ティト・アニョーリがデザインしたこのソファには、家具に紛れもない個性を与える素晴らしい緑青が施されています。ブラウンレザーはダメージもなく非常に良好な状態で、真鍮の金属ジョイントは完璧に機能します。簡単な手順でソファを収納スペース付きのデイベッドに変えることができます。ソファのシートクッションの下には金属製のスプリングマットレスが付いています。既存のマットレスはソフトな座り心地を提供します。しっかりと座ったり横になったりしたい人は、このマットレスを別のマットレスに交換する必要があります。ソファは目立たないキャスターで立っているため、簡単に移動できます。イタリアのデザイナー、ティト・アニョーリは、1968 年にイタリアのメーカー Cinova のためにこの素晴らしい家具をデザインし、今日でも多くのファンを持つアイコンを生み出しました。
Original Text
This sofa designed by Tito Agnoli comes with a fantastic patina which gives the furniture its unmistakable character. The brown leather is in very good condition with no damage, the brass metal joints work perfectly. The sofa can be transformed into a day bed with storage space in just a few simple steps. Under the seat cushions, the sofa has a metal spring mattress. The existing mattress offers a soft seating experience. Those who like to sit or lie harder should possibly exchange this mattress for another one. The sofa stands on non-visible casters and can therefore be easily moved.
The Italian designer Tito Agnoli designed this extraordinary piece of furniture in 1968 for the Italian manufacturer Cinova, creating an icon that still has a large following today.
Original Text
This sofa designed by Tito Agnoli comes with a fantastic patina which gives the furniture its unmistakable character. The brown leather is in very good condition with no damage, the brass metal joints work perfectly. The sofa can be transformed into a day bed with storage space in just a few simple steps. Under the seat cushions, the sofa has a metal spring mattress. The existing mattress offers a soft seating experience. Those who like to sit or lie harder should possibly exchange this mattress for another one. The sofa stands on non-visible casters and can therefore be easily moved.
The Italian designer Tito Agnoli designed this extraordinary piece of furniture in 1968 for the Italian manufacturer Cinova, creating an icon that still has a large following today.