Cassina Violoncello lounge chair by Piero de Martini
Cassina Violoncello lounge chair by Piero de Martini
¥249,300 JPY
¥249,300 JPY
カッシーナのこの並外れたラウンジチェアは、その広大でありながら魅力的なデザインが印象的です。肘掛け椅子の黒灰色のまだらのキャンバスは良好な状態です。おそらくブナ材と思われる軽い木のフレームは非常にしっかりしており、摩耗の兆候はほとんどありません。このチェロ ラウンジ チェアは、兄貴分であるヴィオラ ダモーレほど一般的ではありません。このチェロは、1975 年からカッシーナと協力していたピエロ デ マルティーニによって 1970 年代後半にデザインされました。このイタリアのメーカーは卓越したデザインで知られ、1964 年にル コルビュジエ、ピエール ジャンヌレ、シャルロット・ペリアン。
Original Text
This extraordinary lounge chair from Cassina impresses with its expansive yet inviting design. The black-gray mottled canvas of the armchair is in good condition. The light wooden frame, probably beech, is very solid and shows few signs of wear. This violoncello lounge chair is much less common than its big brother Viola d`Amore.
The cello was designed in the late 1970s by Piero de Martini, who had been collaborating with Cassina since 1975. The Italian manufacturer is known for exceptional design and signed the exclusive license agreement in 1964 to process the furniture designed by Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand.
Original Text
This extraordinary lounge chair from Cassina impresses with its expansive yet inviting design. The black-gray mottled canvas of the armchair is in good condition. The light wooden frame, probably beech, is very solid and shows few signs of wear. This violoncello lounge chair is much less common than its big brother Viola d`Amore.
The cello was designed in the late 1970s by Piero de Martini, who had been collaborating with Cassina since 1975. The Italian manufacturer is known for exceptional design and signed the exclusive license agreement in 1964 to process the furniture designed by Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand.