AtKris Studio
Brutalist Highboard In Stained Oak And Brushed Steel, Belgium 1970s
Brutalist Highboard In Stained Oak And Brushed Steel, Belgium 1970s
¥931,900 JPY
¥931,900 JPY
ステインオークとブラッシュドスチールのブルータリストハイボード。サイドボードのバリエーションに加えて、同じベルギーのブルータリズムバージョンのハイボードのバリエーションも追加されました。最初に気づくのは、滑らかでわずかに反射する黒い色のオーク材です。オーク材突き板に炎を描いたデザインが、ミニマルなデザインにダイナミズムと質感を加えています。4 つのキャビネットのドアは磁気ストリップで開閉し、ドアハンドルとしても機能する中央の円形の装飾のみが付いています。ハンドルの隣にくぼみが刻まれており、外側の円にもそれが薄く繰り返されています。ドアを開けると、このハイボードが提供するもう一つの注目すべき点がわかります。下の2つの収納スペースはそれぞれ棚によって2つの部分に分かれています。しかし、パーティーが始まるのは上の2つのコンパートメントで、右上のドアを開けると、内部をほのかに照らすライトが点灯します。裏面にレリーフが施されたわずかに透明な黒いガラス板 2 枚は、追加の収納スペースとして機能します。このハイボードはバーとしても機能し、6つのボトルホルダーが付いています。このハイボードの状態は良好で、使用された形跡は最小限です。」
Original Text
Brutalist highboard in stained oak and brushed steel.In addition to the sideboard variant, we now also have a highboard variant in the same Belgian variant of brutalism. The first thing you notice is the sleek and slightly reflective black colored oak. A flame drawing in the oak veneer adds dynamism and texture to the minimalist design.The four cabinet doors close with magnetic strips and only have a circular decoration in the middle that also serves as a door handle. A recess has been milled next to the handle and that has been repeated in a thinner way on the outer circle.After opening the doors we see another remarkable thing this highboard has to offer. The two lower storage spaces are each divided into two parts by means of shelves. But it's in the two top compartments where the party starts.After opening the door at the top right, a light turns on that subtly illuminates the inside. Two slightly transparent black glass plates with relief on the underside serve as extra storage space. This highboard also functions as a bar and has six bottle holders.The condition of this highboard is good with only minimal traces of use."
Original Text
Brutalist highboard in stained oak and brushed steel.In addition to the sideboard variant, we now also have a highboard variant in the same Belgian variant of brutalism. The first thing you notice is the sleek and slightly reflective black colored oak. A flame drawing in the oak veneer adds dynamism and texture to the minimalist design.The four cabinet doors close with magnetic strips and only have a circular decoration in the middle that also serves as a door handle. A recess has been milled next to the handle and that has been repeated in a thinner way on the outer circle.After opening the doors we see another remarkable thing this highboard has to offer. The two lower storage spaces are each divided into two parts by means of shelves. But it's in the two top compartments where the party starts.After opening the door at the top right, a light turns on that subtly illuminates the inside. Two slightly transparent black glass plates with relief on the underside serve as extra storage space. This highboard also functions as a bar and has six bottle holders.The condition of this highboard is good with only minimal traces of use."