Bramanta sideboard by Kazuhide Takahama in 1973 for Ultrazionale of Simon Gavina
Bramanta sideboard by Kazuhide Takahama in 1973 for Ultrazionale of Simon Gavina
¥1,091,200 JPY
¥1,091,200 JPY
1973年にサイモン・ガヴィーナ(後のカッシーナ)によるウルトラツィオナーレ・コレクションのために日本人デザイナー高浜一秀が制作したブラマンタ4サイドボード。漆塗りの木製サイドボードにはロック可能なドアが 4 つ付いています。これは 1990 年から 2000 年にかけて制作されたデザイナー収納食器棚で、清潔で整然としたラインを持つモダンで時代を超越したクラシックの象徴であり、日本の建築家高浜が過去との深い関係を投影し、古くから伝わる漆仕上げの芸術を思い出させます。非常に良い状態!奥行き×高さ×長さ:44×132×236cm
Original Text
Bramanta 4 sideboard by the Japanese designer Kazuhide Takahama in 1973 for the Ultrazionale collection by Simon Gavina (later Cassina).
The lacquered wooden sideboard has four lockable doors.
This was produced between 1990-2000
A designer storage cupboard, symbol of a modern timeless classic with clean, uncluttered lines on which the Japanese architect Takahama projects a deep relationship with the past, recalling the age-old art of lacquer finishes.
Excellent condition!
Dxhxl: 44x132x236 cm
Original Text
Bramanta 4 sideboard by the Japanese designer Kazuhide Takahama in 1973 for the Ultrazionale collection by Simon Gavina (later Cassina).
The lacquered wooden sideboard has four lockable doors.
This was produced between 1990-2000
A designer storage cupboard, symbol of a modern timeless classic with clean, uncluttered lines on which the Japanese architect Takahama projects a deep relationship with the past, recalling the age-old art of lacquer finishes.
Excellent condition!
Dxhxl: 44x132x236 cm