Biosca Dining Table With Geometric Patterns In Pine, Spain 1960s
Biosca Dining Table With Geometric Patterns In Pine, Spain 1960s
¥2,111,700 JPY
¥2,111,700 JPY
パイン材の幾何学模様のビオスカ ダイニング テーブル。すでに指摘したように、ビオスカの家具は謎の霧に包まれています。それは正確にどこから来たのでしょうか、誰がそれを作ったのでしょうか、そして何よりも、ミッドセンチュリーのデザインの世界でこれらの印象的でありながら非常に歓迎されている変化する外観の発明者は誰ですか?誰も実際には答えを持っていない質問。このテーブルも完全に、認識されていますが特別な「Biosca」スタイルになっています。 2 本の目立つ脚はパイン無垢材で作られており、両面に幾何学的な彫刻が施されています。これは、より複雑なモザイクが建物を飾っていたイベリア半島南部の強いムーア人の影響を参照している可能性があります。ちなみに、スペインの家具や、たとえば 17 世紀のドアにも同様の装飾が見られます。テーブルを横方向に補強する錬鉄の棒は、上記の時代のテーブルにも見られます。脚の外側にも美しいロゼットが取り付けられています。このテーブルは一見、やや荒々しい天板から堅牢さを感じさせますが、ベース部分をよく見ると洗練されているのが特徴です。したがって、見た目以上のものであり、ビオスカは何よりもスペインの美的歴史の重要な部分を家具に要約することに主に成功しました。明らかに、このテーブルは使用されており、あちこちに通常の摩耗の兆候があります。ここで話しているのは、傷と、拡散して分布する小さな色の違いについてです。
Original Text
Biosca dining table with geometric patterns in pine.The Biosca furniture, as we have already indicated, is shrouded in a haze of mystery. Where exactly does it come from, who made it and above all who is the inventor of these striking but very welcome altering appearances within the mid century design world? Questions to which no one really posesses the answer to.This table is also completely in the recognizable but special "Biosca" style. Two prominent legs are made of solid pine and are decorated on both sides with a geometric carving. This could be a reference to the strong Moorish influences in the south of the Iberian Peninsula where even more complex mosaics adorned the buildings.Incidentally, we see similar decorations in Spanish furniture and for instance doors from the seventeenth century. The wrought iron bars that reinforce the table in a crosswise manner can also be seen in tables from the above period. These are also attached to the outside of the legs with a beautiful rosette.This table initially communicates a robustness through the somewhat rough table top, but is mainly characterized by refinement when we look more closely at the base. So more than meets the eye and Biosca above all has mainly succeeded in summarizing an important part of Spanish aesthetic history in a piece of furniture.Obviously, this table has been used and shows normal signs of wear here and there. We are talking about scratches and diffusely distributed small color differences.
Original Text
Biosca dining table with geometric patterns in pine.The Biosca furniture, as we have already indicated, is shrouded in a haze of mystery. Where exactly does it come from, who made it and above all who is the inventor of these striking but very welcome altering appearances within the mid century design world? Questions to which no one really posesses the answer to.This table is also completely in the recognizable but special "Biosca" style. Two prominent legs are made of solid pine and are decorated on both sides with a geometric carving. This could be a reference to the strong Moorish influences in the south of the Iberian Peninsula where even more complex mosaics adorned the buildings.Incidentally, we see similar decorations in Spanish furniture and for instance doors from the seventeenth century. The wrought iron bars that reinforce the table in a crosswise manner can also be seen in tables from the above period. These are also attached to the outside of the legs with a beautiful rosette.This table initially communicates a robustness through the somewhat rough table top, but is mainly characterized by refinement when we look more closely at the base. So more than meets the eye and Biosca above all has mainly succeeded in summarizing an important part of Spanish aesthetic history in a piece of furniture.Obviously, this table has been used and shows normal signs of wear here and there. We are talking about scratches and diffusely distributed small color differences.