Artona Armchair by Afra and Tobia Scarpa for Maxalto, 1980s, 2 pieces
Artona Armchair by Afra and Tobia Scarpa for Maxalto, 1980s, 2 pieces
¥277,500 JPY
¥277,500 JPY
アフラとトビア・スカルパがマクサルトのためにデザインしたアルトナ アームチェア。背もたれと座面はスエード生地で、全長にわたって平行ステッチが施されています。アームレスト付きのこの椅子は、2 つの車輪と脚が付いた黒いプラスチックのベースに載っています。脚の内部構造は黒い金属棒でできています。経年劣化や使用によるわずかな痕跡はあるものの、非常に良好な状態の 2 点が販売されています。1 点あたりの価格 SKU: GB0034
Original Text
Artona Armchair by Afra and Tobia Scarpa for Maxalto, featuring a back and seat crafted from suede fabric, showcasing parallel stitching along the entire length. Complete with armrests, the chair rests on a black plastic base with two wheels and feet. The internal structure of the legs is made of black metal rod.
2 pieces available in excellent condition, with minor signs of age and use.
Price per piece
SKU: GB0034
Original Text
Artona Armchair by Afra and Tobia Scarpa for Maxalto, featuring a back and seat crafted from suede fabric, showcasing parallel stitching along the entire length. Complete with armrests, the chair rests on a black plastic base with two wheels and feet. The internal structure of the legs is made of black metal rod.
2 pieces available in excellent condition, with minor signs of age and use.
Price per piece
SKU: GB0034