Antropovarius Desk Chair by FA Porsche for Poltrona Frau
Antropovarius Desk Chair by FA Porsche for Poltrona Frau
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1980 年代に FA ポルシェがポルトローナ フラウのために開発したこのオフィスチェアは、エンジニアリングとデザイン、そして最高の品質を兼ね備えています。ポルシェは、オフィスチェアを使用する人に合わせて個別に調整できるという条件でこの椅子を設計しました。アームチェアには、体重や体のサイズに応じてサスペンションを個別に調整するオプションがあります。このアームチェアは黒いレザー製で、背面に黒いプラスチックのリブが付いており、良好な状態です。レザーには摩耗の兆候はほとんどなく、プラスチック製のリブはすべて無傷です。座面の高さ 51 ~ 62 cm ポルトローナ フラウは 1912 年に設立され、1926 年に王室御用達に任命されました。それ以来、この工房は非常に高級な顧客を抱え、最も有名なデザイナーと仕事をしてきました。すべての製品は最高の素材を使用し手作りで作られています。
Original Text
Developed by FA Porsche for Poltrona Frau in the 1980s, this office chair combines engineering with design and the highest quality. Porsche designed this chair with the proviso that an office chair could be individually adjusted to the person using the chair. The armchair has the option of individually adjusting the suspension according to weight and body size. This armchair comes in black leather with black plastic ribs on the back and is in excellent condition. The leather shows hardly any signs of wear, the plastic ribs are all intact. Seat Height 51-62 cm
Poltrona Frau was founded in 1912 and was appointed Purveyor to the Royal Court in 1926. Since that time, the manufactory has had an extremely high-end clientele and has worked with the most well-known designers. All products are made by hand from the best materials.
Original Text
Developed by FA Porsche for Poltrona Frau in the 1980s, this office chair combines engineering with design and the highest quality. Porsche designed this chair with the proviso that an office chair could be individually adjusted to the person using the chair. The armchair has the option of individually adjusting the suspension according to weight and body size. This armchair comes in black leather with black plastic ribs on the back and is in excellent condition. The leather shows hardly any signs of wear, the plastic ribs are all intact. Seat Height 51-62 cm
Poltrona Frau was founded in 1912 and was appointed Purveyor to the Royal Court in 1926. Since that time, the manufactory has had an extremely high-end clientele and has worked with the most well-known designers. All products are made by hand from the best materials.