AtKris Studio
Amsterdam School Side Table In Oak, The Netherlands 1930s
Amsterdam School Side Table In Oak, The Netherlands 1930s
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オーク材のアムステルダム スクール サイド テーブル。足は角からテーブルの脚を囲む最初の装飾まで、緩やかな動きで上がります。実際、この足元以降、木工技術と細部の点ですでに多くのことが行われており、ある種の高級感と品質がにじみ出ています。したがって、ここではアムステルダム派スタイルの典型的なサイドテーブルを扱います。足の付け根に戻りましょう。小さな四角い、濃い色に塗られた足が各隅の下に置かれており、それによってテーブルが床から約0.5センチメートル持ち上げられます。前述の傾斜に沿った脚の付け根には、各隅にペイントされた装飾が施されています。脚全体が円柱のような印象を与え、天板はエッジ直前にフライス加工を施し、全周に丸みを持たせています。天板の下に円筒形を配置し、テーブル上部に重厚感を与えています。エッジとリッジは、劇的な効果を生み出す影の効果を作り出すためにいじられています。テーブルは、長年にわたって蓄積された緑青と欠陥を尊重して、私たちのワークショップで修復されました。オリジナルの外観と真正性を維持することが最も重要です。
Original Text
Amsterdam School side table in oak.The foot rises in a gentle movement from the corners to the first ornament that encloses the table leg. In fact, a lot is already happening from this foot onwards in terms of woodworking techniques and details and it exudes a certain class and quality. We are therefore dealing with a typical side table in the style of the Amsterdam School.Let's go back to the base of the foot. A small square, dark-painted foot has been placed under each corner, which raises the table about half a centimeter from the floor. The base of the leg that follows the previously described slope is decorated at each corner with a painted ornament. It gives the total of the leg the appearance of a column.The table top is milled just before the edge and is then rounded all around. A cylindrical shape has been placed under the top, which gives the upper part of this table more body. Edges and ridges have been played with to create shadow effects that result in a dramatic effect.The table has been restored in our workshop with respect for the patina and imperfections accumulated over the years. The preservation of the original appearance and authenticity is the most important thing.
Original Text
Amsterdam School side table in oak.The foot rises in a gentle movement from the corners to the first ornament that encloses the table leg. In fact, a lot is already happening from this foot onwards in terms of woodworking techniques and details and it exudes a certain class and quality. We are therefore dealing with a typical side table in the style of the Amsterdam School.Let's go back to the base of the foot. A small square, dark-painted foot has been placed under each corner, which raises the table about half a centimeter from the floor. The base of the leg that follows the previously described slope is decorated at each corner with a painted ornament. It gives the total of the leg the appearance of a column.The table top is milled just before the edge and is then rounded all around. A cylindrical shape has been placed under the top, which gives the upper part of this table more body. Edges and ridges have been played with to create shadow effects that result in a dramatic effect.The table has been restored in our workshop with respect for the patina and imperfections accumulated over the years. The preservation of the original appearance and authenticity is the most important thing.