The neat studios
Amsterdam School Armchairs
Amsterdam School Armchairs
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アムステルダム派のアームチェアは、20 世紀初頭にオランダで生まれた家具のスタイルです。幾何学的で角張った形状、ダークウッドと高級な布張りが特徴です。これらのアームチェアは、職人技と細部へのこだわりを重視したアール ヌーボーとアール デコの融合とよく言われます。アムステルダム派は、日常の物に芸術を取り入れようとしたオランダの建築運動で、この哲学はこれらのアームチェアのデザインによく表れています。これらのアームチェアは、彫刻のディテールや象嵌などの装飾的な要素で飾られていることがよくあります。アムステルダム派のアームチェアは、歴史的重要性と芸術的な美しさが独自に融合していることから、コレクターやデザイン愛好家の間で非常に人気があります。時代を超えた作品です。これらのアイテムには、経年劣化による一般的な摩耗が見られ、木製部分と装飾部分には小さなひび割れや使用の跡があります。両方のアイテムの裏側の布張りは異なり、布地には色あせや小さな裂け目があります。SKU: GB0243
Original Text
The Amsterdam School armchairs are a style of furniture that originated in the early 20th century in the Netherlands. They are characterized by their geometric and angular forms, as well as their use of dark woods and rich upholstery fabrics. These armchairs are often seen as a fusion of Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles, with a focus on craftsmanship and attention to detail.
The Amsterdam School was a Dutch architectural movement that sought to incorporate art into everyday objects, and this philosophy is evident in the design of these armchairs. They are often adorned with decorative elements such as carved details and inlays.
The Amsterdam School armchairs are highly sought after by collectors and design enthusiasts for their unique blend of historical significance and artistic beauty. They are timeless pieces. The items show typical age-related wear and tear, with small cracks and signs of use on their wooden and decorative parts. The upholstery on the underside of both items is different, and there are some fading and small tears in the fabric.
SKU: GB0243
Original Text
The Amsterdam School armchairs are a style of furniture that originated in the early 20th century in the Netherlands. They are characterized by their geometric and angular forms, as well as their use of dark woods and rich upholstery fabrics. These armchairs are often seen as a fusion of Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles, with a focus on craftsmanship and attention to detail.
The Amsterdam School was a Dutch architectural movement that sought to incorporate art into everyday objects, and this philosophy is evident in the design of these armchairs. They are often adorned with decorative elements such as carved details and inlays.
The Amsterdam School armchairs are highly sought after by collectors and design enthusiasts for their unique blend of historical significance and artistic beauty. They are timeless pieces. The items show typical age-related wear and tear, with small cracks and signs of use on their wooden and decorative parts. The upholstery on the underside of both items is different, and there are some fading and small tears in the fabric.
SKU: GB0243