Alky Chair by Giancarlo Piretti for Castelli, 1969, 2 pieces
Alky Chair by Giancarlo Piretti for Castelli, 1969, 2 pieces
¥416,900 JPY
¥416,900 JPY
豊かな創造性で知られるジャンカルロ・ピレッティは、1969 年に Anonima Castelli のために「Alky」ラウンジ チェアを設計するなど、数多くの象徴的なデザインを生み出してきました。このユニークなデザインは、快適さ、スタイル、汎用性を融合しています。このチェアは、安定性と快適さのためにゴムバンドにプリントされたフォームと、アルミニウム合金の脚と接続部品を備えています。洗練されたラインの「Alky」ラウンジ チェアは、さまざまな設定に適しています。2 点販売されており、どちらも経年劣化や使用感のほとんどない、非常に良好な状態です。1 点あたりの価格 SKU: GB0244
Original Text
Giancarlo Piretti known for his abundant creativity, has created numerous iconic designs, such as the "Alky" lounge chair for Anonima Castelli, in 1969. The unique design offers a blend of comfort, style, and versatility. The chair features foam printed on elastic bands for stability and comfort, with aluminum alloy feet and connection elements. With its sleek lines the "Alky" lounge chair is suitable for a wide range of settings. Two pieces available, both in excellent condiiton with very few signs of age and use.
Price per item
SKU: GB0244
Original Text
Giancarlo Piretti known for his abundant creativity, has created numerous iconic designs, such as the "Alky" lounge chair for Anonima Castelli, in 1969. The unique design offers a blend of comfort, style, and versatility. The chair features foam printed on elastic bands for stability and comfort, with aluminum alloy feet and connection elements. With its sleek lines the "Alky" lounge chair is suitable for a wide range of settings. Two pieces available, both in excellent condiiton with very few signs of age and use.
Price per item
SKU: GB0244