322 D.S.1 Dining Table by Charles Rennie Mackintosh for Cassina, 1918
322 D.S.1 Dining Table by Charles Rennie Mackintosh for Cassina, 1918
¥510,000 JPY
¥510,000 JPY
322 DS1 モデルは、1918 年にスコットランドのデザイナー、チャールズ レニー マッキントッシュによってデザインされ、1975 年にカッシーナによって製造されました。楕円形の天板、折り畳まれた側面、正方形の格子脚を備えた黒檀加工の木製テーブルです。実用的で機能的で、非常に良い状態です。
Original Text
The 322 D.S.1 model was designed by the Scottish designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh in 1918 and produced by Cassina in 1975. Ebonized wooden table with an oval top, fold-down sides, on square lattice legs. Practical and functional, in very good conditions.
Original Text
The 322 D.S.1 model was designed by the Scottish designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh in 1918 and produced by Cassina in 1975. Ebonized wooden table with an oval top, fold-down sides, on square lattice legs. Practical and functional, in very good conditions.