3200 dining chair by Frederik Sieck for Fritz Hansen 1960s, set of 4
3200 dining chair by Frederik Sieck for Fritz Hansen 1960s, set of 4
¥0 JPY
¥0 JPY
Frederik Sieckのエレガントなモデル3200ダイニングチェア4脚セット。このデザインは、背もたれの湾曲した形状とスリムで細い足によって、確かに日本のデザインのルーツを持っています。丸い布張りの座面は確かにそれをさらに強調しています。また、デンマーク発のデザインは、使用されている素材や足の十字の形によく表れています。したがって、この椅子は、デザインにおける日本とデンマークのアプローチを興味深いものに表現しています。全体的な結果は素晴らしいものです。快適さと構造の品質に妥協することなく、非常にエレガントで洗練された外観の椅子です。クロムメッキのスチールフレームに湾曲したチーク材の背もたれとビニール張りの丸い座面が特徴です。この特別な椅子セットは、白いラッカー仕上げの背もたれと白いレザーレットの室内装飾が特徴です。フリッツ・ハンセンのオリジナルのステッカーはまだフレームに残っており、本物であることを証明しています。セットは非常に良好な状態で、背もたれは再スプレーされ、座席は最近張り替えられています。
Original Text
An elegant set of 4 model 3200 dining chairs by Frederik Sieck.
This design certainly has its roots in Japanese design by the curved shape of the backrest and the slim narrow feet.The round upholstered seat certainly enforces this further. As well, the Danish origin of the design really shows in the used materials and the cross shape of the feet. Therefore, the chair is an interesting exercise of a Japanese – Danish approach in designing. The overall result is stunning. It’s a very elegant and sleek looking chair without compromising on comfort and build quality.
They feature chrome plated steel frames with curved teak backs and round seats upholstered in vinyl upholstery.
This specific set of chairs features a white lacquered backrest and white leatherette upholstery.
The original stickers from Fritz Hansen are still visible on the frame, certifying their authenticity.
The set is in very good condition, the backrests have been resprayed and the seats have been reupholstered in the recent past.
Original Text
An elegant set of 4 model 3200 dining chairs by Frederik Sieck.
This design certainly has its roots in Japanese design by the curved shape of the backrest and the slim narrow feet.The round upholstered seat certainly enforces this further. As well, the Danish origin of the design really shows in the used materials and the cross shape of the feet. Therefore, the chair is an interesting exercise of a Japanese – Danish approach in designing. The overall result is stunning. It’s a very elegant and sleek looking chair without compromising on comfort and build quality.
They feature chrome plated steel frames with curved teak backs and round seats upholstered in vinyl upholstery.
This specific set of chairs features a white lacquered backrest and white leatherette upholstery.
The original stickers from Fritz Hansen are still visible on the frame, certifying their authenticity.
The set is in very good condition, the backrests have been resprayed and the seats have been reupholstered in the recent past.