1950s, Danish vintage relax chair in green fabric, original condition.
1950s, Danish vintage relax chair in green fabric, original condition.
¥270,300 JPY
¥270,300 JPY
1950年代、デンマークのデザイン。グリーンのファブリックを使用したオリジナルのリラックスチェア。良好な状態: 臭いや汚れはなく、背もたれ上部とアームレストに軽い摩耗/緑青があります。座面には真鍮製のスプリング。 1950~55年頃にデンマークの家具メーカーで作られました。
Original Text
1950s, Danish design. Original relax chair in green fabric. Good condition: no smells and no stains, light wear/ patina on the top back and armrest. Brass springs in the seat. Made by danish furniture manufacturer in about 1950-55.
Original Text
1950s, Danish design. Original relax chair in green fabric. Good condition: no smells and no stains, light wear/ patina on the top back and armrest. Brass springs in the seat. Made by danish furniture manufacturer in about 1950-55.