Set of 5 Matteo Grassi MG5 leather dining/conference chairs
Set of 5 Matteo Grassi MG5 leather dining/conference chairs
¥0 JPY
¥0 JPY
ブラックのサドルレザーを使用したこのクラシックなカンチレバー MG5 チェア 5 脚セットは、良好な状態です。厚いレザーには最小限の摩耗の兆候が見られ、クロムフレームは非常に良好な状態です。アームレストはより高級な革張りバージョンでデザインされており、損傷がなく、縫い目もしっかりしています。 Matteo Grassi は 1880 年にサドルと乗馬用品のメーカーとして設立され、時間の経過とともに高品質のデザイナー家具のメーカーに発展しました。これらのカンチレバーチェアは、1920 年代にマーティン スタムによって初めて開発され、1970 年代にマッテオ グラッシによって再導入されました。
Original Text
This classic cantilever set of 5 MG5 chairs in black saddle leather is in excellent condition. The thick leather shows minimal signs of wear, the chrome frames are in very good condition. The armrests are designed in the more exclusive leather-covered version and are undamaged and the seams are tight. Matteo Grassi was founded in 1880 as a manufacturer of saddles and riding gear and over time developed into a manufacturer of high-quality designer furniture. These cantilever chairs were first developed by Martin Stam in the 1920s and re-introduced by Matteo Grassi in the 1970s.
Original Text
This classic cantilever set of 5 MG5 chairs in black saddle leather is in excellent condition. The thick leather shows minimal signs of wear, the chrome frames are in very good condition. The armrests are designed in the more exclusive leather-covered version and are undamaged and the seams are tight. Matteo Grassi was founded in 1880 as a manufacturer of saddles and riding gear and over time developed into a manufacturer of high-quality designer furniture. These cantilever chairs were first developed by Martin Stam in the 1920s and re-introduced by Matteo Grassi in the 1970s.