Rosenthal Hombre 2 seater leather sofa by Burkhard Vogtherr
Rosenthal Hombre 2 seater leather sofa by Burkhard Vogtherr
¥0 JPY
¥0 JPY
この革張りのソファは、例外的なブルー/グレーのレザー調で、トープ色のグレーの色あせた木製フレームが付いており、良好な状態です。レザーには、座面と背もたれクッションの 1 つの上端にのみ摩耗の兆候が見られます。無垢材の背もたれは完璧な状態です。非常に珍しい色の組み合わせです。世界有数の磁器メーカーとして知られるローゼンタールは、1970年代に著名なデザイナーにいくつかの家具をデザインしてもらい、ローゼンタールのラベルで販売することを決定しました。このようにして、ブルクハルト・フォグテルによってデザインされたこの Hombre コレクションを含む、70 年代のいくつかのデザインアイコンが誕生しました。
Original Text
This leather sofa, in an exceptional blue/gray leather tone, with a taupe-colored, gray-fading wooden frame, is in good condition. The leather only shows signs of wear on the seat and the upper edge of one of the back cushions. The solid wooden backrests are in perfect condition. Very rarely found color combination. Rosenthal, known as one of the world's outstanding porcelain manufacturers, decided in the 1970s to have some furniture designed by well-known designers and to market it under the Rosenthal label. This is how some design icons of the 70s emerged, including this Hombre collection, designed by Burkhard Vogtherr.
Original Text
This leather sofa, in an exceptional blue/gray leather tone, with a taupe-colored, gray-fading wooden frame, is in good condition. The leather only shows signs of wear on the seat and the upper edge of one of the back cushions. The solid wooden backrests are in perfect condition. Very rarely found color combination. Rosenthal, known as one of the world's outstanding porcelain manufacturers, decided in the 1970s to have some furniture designed by well-known designers and to market it under the Rosenthal label. This is how some design icons of the 70s emerged, including this Hombre collection, designed by Burkhard Vogtherr.