M2-44 modernist lounge chair by Wim den Boon Netherlands 1958
M2-44 modernist lounge chair by Wim den Boon Netherlands 1958
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オランダのヴィム・デン・ブーンによる抽象的なデザインのオランダモダニズムラウンジチェア。技術図面ではモデル M2-44 CD (図面の下) として定義されているこの特定のモデルは、ヴィム デン ブーンによって 1958 年にのみ生産された希少なモデルです。ヴィム デン ブーン (1912-1968) はハインとグループ会社を設立しました。ストールとピエール・クレイカム、1945年。この集団の野望は、オランダの戦後期または「復興期」をイメージした抽象的で純粋主義的な家具をデザインすることでした。デザインの多くは、デン・ブーンが 1948 年から 1950 年まで編集秘書を務めた雑誌「Goed Wonen」に掲載されました。このラウンジチェア (1958 年日付) は、新オランダ建築設計デジタル技術研究所 (NI) に登録され、文書化されています。したがって、この椅子には完全な由来があります。フレームは黒い金属で作られており、比較的強い垂直方向のフレームを備えています。座面と背もたれはわずかに傾斜しており、直線とのコントラストが面白いです。この椅子は2016年に地元のアトリエによって無煙炭生地で張り替えられた。請求書の原本のコピーはまだ残っています。このラウンジチェアは、Den Boonのデザインに強い愛情を持っている家庭から来たもので、Den Boonのより大きな家具コレクションの一部であり、当時Wim den Boonから新品で購入したものでした。状態について 椅子はフレームに多少の使用跡はありますが、良好なヴィンテージ状態です。生地は最近張り替えたばかりなので状態は良好です。
Original Text
Abstract designed Dutch modernist lounge chair by Wim den Boon Netherlands. This specific model, defined by the technical drawings as model M2-44 C.D (below on the drawings), is a rare model by Wim den Boon only produced during 1958.
Wim Den Boon (1912-1968) founded ‘Groep & together with Hein Stolle and Pierre Kleykam’, in 1945. The ambition of the collective was to design abstract and purist furniture doing the postwar period or ‘reconstruction period’ in The Netherlands. Many of the designs have been featured in the ‘Goed Wonen’ magazine, of which Den Boon was the editorial secretary from 1948-1950.
This lounge chair (dated 1958) is registered and documented in the New Dutch Institute for Architecture, Design and Digital Technology (NI). So the chair comes with full provenance.
The frame has been built out of black metal and has a relatively strong vertically oriented frame. The seat and backrest are slightly tilted to provide for an interesting contrast with the straight lines.
The chair has been reupholstered in 2016 by a local atelier in anthracite fabric. A copy of the original invoice is still present.
The lounge chair came from a household with a strong affection for Den Boon designs and were part of a larger Den Boon collection of furniture, that were purchased new from Wim den Boon back in the day.
About the condition
The chair is in good vintage condition with some traces of use on the frame. The fabric has been reupholstered recently and therefore in good condition.
Original Text
Abstract designed Dutch modernist lounge chair by Wim den Boon Netherlands. This specific model, defined by the technical drawings as model M2-44 C.D (below on the drawings), is a rare model by Wim den Boon only produced during 1958.
Wim Den Boon (1912-1968) founded ‘Groep & together with Hein Stolle and Pierre Kleykam’, in 1945. The ambition of the collective was to design abstract and purist furniture doing the postwar period or ‘reconstruction period’ in The Netherlands. Many of the designs have been featured in the ‘Goed Wonen’ magazine, of which Den Boon was the editorial secretary from 1948-1950.
This lounge chair (dated 1958) is registered and documented in the New Dutch Institute for Architecture, Design and Digital Technology (NI). So the chair comes with full provenance.
The frame has been built out of black metal and has a relatively strong vertically oriented frame. The seat and backrest are slightly tilted to provide for an interesting contrast with the straight lines.
The chair has been reupholstered in 2016 by a local atelier in anthracite fabric. A copy of the original invoice is still present.
The lounge chair came from a household with a strong affection for Den Boon designs and were part of a larger Den Boon collection of furniture, that were purchased new from Wim den Boon back in the day.
About the condition
The chair is in good vintage condition with some traces of use on the frame. The fabric has been reupholstered recently and therefore in good condition.