Hille/ICF Supporto office chair by Frederick Scott
Hille/ICF Supporto office chair by Frederick Scott
¥0 JPY
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この常に魅力的な Supporto オフィスチェアは非常に良好な状態にあり、ブラックレザーとポリッシュアルミニウムフレームの最も美しい組み合わせで提供されます。背もたれと座面の黒い革パッドは完璧で、背もたれの磨かれたアルミニウム表面と肘掛けの革パッドは最小限の摩耗の兆候を示しています。椅子の高さは座面の高さ 48 ~ 58 cm の間で調整可能で、背もたれも油圧でクッション性があり、後方に無限に調整できます。高さ調整と背もたれの油圧は完璧に機能します。 Supporto は、1976 年にデザインした英国人デザイナー、フレデリック スコットの最も顕著な成功でした。この製品は、Hille UK によって生産され、その後イタリアのメーカー ICF によって生産されました。
Original Text
This always-attractive Supporto office chair is in very good condition and comes in the most beautiful combination of black leather/polished aluminum frame. The black leather pads on the backrest and seat are flawless, the polished aluminum surfaces of the backrest and the leather pads on the armrests show minimal signs of wear. The chair is height adjustable from 48-58 cm seat height, the backrest is also cushioned by hydraulics and can be infinitely adjusted backwards. The hydraulics of the height adjustment and the backrest work perfectly. The Supporto was the most outstanding success of the British designer Frederick Scott, who designed it in 1976. It was produced by Hille UK and later by the Italian manufacturer ICF.
Original Text
This always-attractive Supporto office chair is in very good condition and comes in the most beautiful combination of black leather/polished aluminum frame. The black leather pads on the backrest and seat are flawless, the polished aluminum surfaces of the backrest and the leather pads on the armrests show minimal signs of wear. The chair is height adjustable from 48-58 cm seat height, the backrest is also cushioned by hydraulics and can be infinitely adjusted backwards. The hydraulics of the height adjustment and the backrest work perfectly. The Supporto was the most outstanding success of the British designer Frederick Scott, who designed it in 1976. It was produced by Hille UK and later by the Italian manufacturer ICF.