Girsberger 1600 set of 2 leather lounge chairs by Wilhelm Girsberger
Girsberger 1600 set of 2 leather lounge chairs by Wilhelm Girsberger
¥0 JPY
¥0 JPY
この 1600 ラウンジチェアのペアは素晴らしい状態にあります。高品質で柔らかいブラックレザーには摩耗の兆候が最小限に抑えられており、すべての縫い目は最高の状態にあり、ソリッドクロームフレームはほぼ新品のように見えます。背もたれと座面のストラップは専門的に新しくされており、最上級の座り心地をお約束します。ヴィルヘルム・ギルスベルガーは、1961 年に彼のデザインチームとともにこのモデルをデザインしました。モデル 1600 は、ギルスベルガーにとって最初の金属フレームを備えたモデルで、ドイツに新設された工場で製造されました。スイスの家具メーカー Girsberger は、1889 年に木材商社として設立され、すぐに最高品質の椅子用家具のメーカーとして名を馳せました。最高の品質と耐久性を備えた製品として知られています。
Original Text
This pair of 1600 lounge chairs is in excellent condition. The high-quality, soft, Black leather shows minimal signs of wear, all seams are in top condition, the solid chrome frames look almost new. The straps of the backrests and the seating area have been professionally renewed and thus guarantee a first-class seating experience.
Wilhelm Girsberger designed this model together with his design team in 1961. The model 1600 was Girsberger's first model with a metal frame and was manufactured in the newly founded factory in Germany. The Swiss furniture manufacturer Girsberger was founded in 1889 as a wood trading company and quickly made a name for itself as a manufacturer of the highest quality seating furniture. It is known for its products of the highest quality and durability.
Original Text
This pair of 1600 lounge chairs is in excellent condition. The high-quality, soft, Black leather shows minimal signs of wear, all seams are in top condition, the solid chrome frames look almost new. The straps of the backrests and the seating area have been professionally renewed and thus guarantee a first-class seating experience.
Wilhelm Girsberger designed this model together with his design team in 1961. The model 1600 was Girsberger's first model with a metal frame and was manufactured in the newly founded factory in Germany. The Swiss furniture manufacturer Girsberger was founded in 1889 as a wood trading company and quickly made a name for itself as a manufacturer of the highest quality seating furniture. It is known for its products of the highest quality and durability.