Executive desk by Luisa & Ico Parisi for MIM Roma 1960s
Executive desk by Luisa & Ico Parisi for MIM Roma 1960s
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ルイーザ&イコ・パリシによって60年代に典型的なイタリアのファッションでデザインされ、悪名高き今はなきMIMローマ家具会社のために作られたローズウッドのデスク。デスクはローズウッド突き板の木製構造で、テーブルの右側と左側に 2 組の引き出しが付いています。フレームは浮遊効果を生み出すために外側に向けられており、ブラックラッカー仕上げのスチールとポリッシュ仕上げのアルミニウムで作られています。脚には典型的な「パリシ」デザイン要素があり、デスクの背面プレートには金属製の MIM タグが付いています。デスク固有の設計上の欠陥を補うために、キャビネットの両側を支えるための一致する金属製の脚を作成しました。デスクは全体的に良好なヴィンテージでオリジナルの状態ですが、一般的な使用の痕跡がいくつか見られます。
Original Text
A rosewood desk designed in the 60s by Luisa & Ico Parisi in typical Italian fashion and constructed for the infamous and now defunct MIM Roma furniture house.
The desk features a rosewood veneered wooden construction with two sets of drawers on the right and left side of the table.
The frame is pointed outwards to create somewhat of a floating effect and is made of black lacquered steel and polished aluminium details.
The feet have the typical “Parisi” design elements, The desk has a metallic MIM tag at the backside plate.
To mediate for the inherent design flaws of the desk, we created matching metal feet to support both sides of the cabinets.
The desk is in overall good vintage and original condition, with some general traces of use visible.
Original Text
A rosewood desk designed in the 60s by Luisa & Ico Parisi in typical Italian fashion and constructed for the infamous and now defunct MIM Roma furniture house.
The desk features a rosewood veneered wooden construction with two sets of drawers on the right and left side of the table.
The frame is pointed outwards to create somewhat of a floating effect and is made of black lacquered steel and polished aluminium details.
The feet have the typical “Parisi” design elements, The desk has a metallic MIM tag at the backside plate.
To mediate for the inherent design flaws of the desk, we created matching metal feet to support both sides of the cabinets.
The desk is in overall good vintage and original condition, with some general traces of use visible.