Architectural Desk In Mahogany And Relief Textured Leather, Italy 1960's
Architectural Desk In Mahogany And Relief Textured Leather, Italy 1960's
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マホガニーとレリーフテクスチャードレザーの建築用デスク。1960 年代のこの驚くべきデスクは、デザインの常識を覆し、デスクの作り方についての素晴らしいレッスンを提供します。伝統的な木工技術、新しい素材、大胆なデザインなど、さまざまな要素が融合して雄弁に表現されています。私たちにとって、それがこのオブジェの姿、すなわち正面です。思考実験を行って、机の前面をスタジアムやオフィスビルなどの大きな建物の比率に拡大すると、かなり印象的なファサードに直面します。大規模な幾何学的形状のため、このデザインを示すモダニズム スタイルのサブジャンルとしてブルータリズムを考えることはできないようです。いずれにせよ、デザイナーの意図は、素晴らしい印象を残すことでした。前面は水平のマホガニー部分を中断として3つのコンパートメントに分かれています。 3 枚のオフホワイトのパネルが地面から数センチメートルのところから始まり、120 度の角度で内側に折り曲げられます。内部には黒い縞模様があり、上部の木製部分は斜めに上向きに伸びています。デスクはブーメラン型で構成されており、ダイナミックさと何よりもドラマ性を高めています。天板は、半分に切った八面体と形容するのが最適な形状で両側に突き出ており、ベニヤ加工のエッジがほとんど検出できないほど、信じられないほどよく作られています。 。上部の白い八角形の部分はレリーフレザーで覆われ、その上にガラス板が置かれています。このガラスは木枠の中に収められています。デスクの両側には4つの引き出しがあり、個別にロックできます。両側に 2 つのオープン コンパートメントがあり、十分な収納が可能です。このデスクは、当社のスタジオでレゴラ ダルテに修復され、その緑青とヴィンテージの外観を完全に保持しています。この一部には、傷や摩耗スポットなどの小さな欠陥も含まれていますが、このデスクの驚くべき美しさを損なうものではありません。」
Original Text
Architectural desk in mahogany and relief textured leather.This astonishing desk from the 1960s defies the conventions of design and provides a dazzling lesson in how a desk can be created. A number of things come together such as traditional woodworking, new materials, and daring design that has been eloquently expressed through this creation.We start at the beginning and for us that is the appearance of this object, namely the front. When we conduct a thought experiment and enlarge the front of the desk to the proportions of a large building, such as a stadium or office building, we are confronted with a rather impressive facade. Due to the large-scale geometric shapes we can’t seem to think of brutalism as a subgenre of the modernist style to indicate this design. In any case, the designer's intention was to leave a stunning impression. The front is divided into three compartments with horizontal mahogany parts as interruptions. Three off-white panels start a few centimeters from the ground and fold inwards at an angle of one hundred and twenty degrees. There is a black stripe inside and the upper wooden part runs upwards at an angle. The desk consists of a boomerang shape, which increases the dynamics and above all drama.The top protrudes on both sides in a shape best described as a halved octahedron and is incredibly well made, almost without being able to detect the edges of the veneer work. The white octagonal part of the top is covered with a faux relief leather on which a glass plate rests. This glass is enclosed in the wooden frame. Each side of the desk has four drawers and can be locked individually. There are two open compartments on both sides, which provide ample storage.This desk has been restored in our studio a regola d'arte, fully retaining its patina and vintage appearance. Part of this also includes small imperfections such as scratches and wear spots but doesn’t in any way detract from the stunning beauty of this desk."
Original Text
Architectural desk in mahogany and relief textured leather.This astonishing desk from the 1960s defies the conventions of design and provides a dazzling lesson in how a desk can be created. A number of things come together such as traditional woodworking, new materials, and daring design that has been eloquently expressed through this creation.We start at the beginning and for us that is the appearance of this object, namely the front. When we conduct a thought experiment and enlarge the front of the desk to the proportions of a large building, such as a stadium or office building, we are confronted with a rather impressive facade. Due to the large-scale geometric shapes we can’t seem to think of brutalism as a subgenre of the modernist style to indicate this design. In any case, the designer's intention was to leave a stunning impression. The front is divided into three compartments with horizontal mahogany parts as interruptions. Three off-white panels start a few centimeters from the ground and fold inwards at an angle of one hundred and twenty degrees. There is a black stripe inside and the upper wooden part runs upwards at an angle. The desk consists of a boomerang shape, which increases the dynamics and above all drama.The top protrudes on both sides in a shape best described as a halved octahedron and is incredibly well made, almost without being able to detect the edges of the veneer work. The white octagonal part of the top is covered with a faux relief leather on which a glass plate rests. This glass is enclosed in the wooden frame. Each side of the desk has four drawers and can be locked individually. There are two open compartments on both sides, which provide ample storage.This desk has been restored in our studio a regola d'arte, fully retaining its patina and vintage appearance. Part of this also includes small imperfections such as scratches and wear spots but doesn’t in any way detract from the stunning beauty of this desk."